Fact-check yourself before you wreck yourself

Fact-check yourself before you wreck yourself

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If you don't Novo, now you know

96% of visitors to your website are not ready to buy on the first visit to your website. 95% of buyers choose a business with relevant, useful content. (Gitnux)

Helping prospects get to know you better before making their decision build trust that leads to lots of sales and buyers that aren’t wishy-washy. Online bank Novo engaged Finance Studio to write 20+ blogs aimed at building trust with small business owners.

See the work >>>

how to be a better financial writer part 3 image 2

In a world of misinformation and rapid-fire fake news, conveying authority on financial topics demands accuracy. Your readers can often spot unreliable information.

But even if they can’t, providing the “receipts” to back up your claims will make a more influential argument. If you’re ready to refine your skills and produce more accurate financial content, this is for you!

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Banking Executives Breakfast
Join top industry leaders for Vested’s Banking Executives breakfast on May 14th at 8:30am. You’ll hear from Milton Ezrati, Chief Economist and banking expert, on the challenges the banking sector faces in light of events like the Republic First failure.
Get the details and RSVP here>>>

What we're reading

How to fight for your marketing budget
Here’s how to overcome management’s urge to slash your budget — plus effective answers to 5 common objections when financial marketers defend their budgets. (The Financial Brand)

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