“No argument in the world can ever compare
with one dramatic demonstration.”
—David Ogilvy
Take a look at the content across your blog.
Is it doing a good enough job of engaging and converting prospective customers to buy from you?
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to provide better proof of why your product or service is worth the investment?
And wouldn’t it also be great if you could accomplish this without coming off salesy or pressuring anyone to buy from you?
Show, don’t tell
Whether it’s in person or in print, nobody wants to hear you talk endlessly about how great your product or service is, as if the number of words you use to describe it makes any difference.
But case studies, can help you sell on another level, by demonstrating to a prospect how you helped an actual customer resolve a real problem.
And when it’s a problem similar to your prospect’s problem, a well-written case study does all the selling for you.
Case study composition
Case studies are concise stories that describe a problem one of your client had and how you, your product, or your service solved that problem.
Storytelling is crucial in business for the simple reason that humans are hardwired to enjoy a good yarn.
The best case studies also include illustrations as well as quantitative, numbers-based results. The more specific numbers you can use to demonstrate the process or result, the more persuasive the argument will be.
Case studies follow a basic 3-point formula:
- Describe the problem your customer faced. For example, “XYZ company already enjoyed high sales conversions once a prospect booked a discovery call, but while they had lots of websites visitors, very few converted to discovery calls.”
- Highlight your approach to solving that problem. For example, “Rethinking XYZ’s top-of-funnel advertising, we updated the copy and redesigned web forms for better visibility. Next, we split-tested several offers to find out which was most effective.”
- Show the results that your client achieved due to your solutions. For example: “We saw an 88% increase in click-through rates, which resulted in a 40% increase in quarterly revenue.”
Good to great
What separates a great case study from the rest?
It’s relatable: Your case study should address pain points that directly speak to your customers’ needs and wants.
It’s complete: Your case study should answer all the relevant 5W+1H questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.
It’s easy to read: Effective headlines, short sentences, eye-catching images, and even brief videos can make a big difference.
Hit these points and you’re well on your way to writing case studies that are a highly effective sales tool.
Free case study sample pack download
We’ve created a Case Study Sample Pack as a free PDF download that offers four great case study writing examples from Group Vested platforms, including Finance Studio, Accelerator, Red Lab Technologies and Vested itself. Enjoy!