Be brilliant without bragging

How to edit financial writing [part 2]

The perfect solution!

When prospective customers see claims like these in writing, they only have two words running through their minds:

“Yeah, sure.”

If you’re tempted to use these or similar crutch phrases to show what makes you unique, this Insight is for you.

Stay-puft Marshmallow Marketing

Fluffy marketing words and odd qualifying phrases shouldn’t be used to describe your business, product, or service.

They may work in a different situation, say, a face-to-face sales meeting where body language accounts for a substantial part of communication. But there are no such cues in a written context.

So, how do you extract and show your value without throwaway words and phrases?

3 questions for more effective messaging

Completing the three short exercises below. Write out one-sentence answers to your business’s What, Why, and How.

> What does your business offer?

> Why does your business do what it does?

> How does your business deliver its services or products?

Once you’ve done that, look at your answers and strip out or substitute any over-the-top adjectives (descriptive words) or filler words with more straightforward ones that reveal specifics about your company.

We guarantee you’ll find more unique answers that separate you from everyone else.

3 examples of effective messaging changes 

NO: “Our numerous happy investors blah, blah, blah…”

YES: Telling how much other people love you is almost useless. Instead, share actual success stories, case studies, and testimonials about the customers who love you.

NO: “XYZ company’s successful, industry-leading investment management algorithm …”

YES: One demonstration is worth a thousand brags. Show the numbers. Reveal the data. The realization of your greatness will become obvious.

NO: “Our intuitive technology that users find amazing was created by a team of financial industry veterans who care about lowering high fees.”

YES: Instead of implying, reveal those details about your team, users, and mission that make this statement a tangible fact. Don’t say, “We stand out.” Tell the story that proves it.

All of the NO examples above have one thing in common: they’re a marketing shortcut.

And we get it, the launch deadline is coming up and you need website copy pronto. But give your prospects what they came for! DOn’t just say you’re the best, say why you’re  are. 

4 ways to edit out filler, fluff, and bragging

1. Be specific: Use concrete details and data to back up your claims.

2. Focus on benefits: Highlight the tangible benefits your product or service provides to customers. Demonstrate them.

3. Avoid superlatives: Words like “best,” “most,” and “unmatched” often come across as empty boasts. Evidence is the strongest argument. 

4. Use testimonials: Let your satisfied customers speak for you with authentic testimonials and reviews.

The power of brand storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful way to convey your business’s unique value without resorting to bragging.

Share the journey of your business, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the impact you’ve made on your customers’ lives.

Real-life stories are compelling and relatable, making your message more memorable.

By stripping away the fluff and focusing on clear, specific messaging, you can effectively communicate your business’s value without resorting to empty boasts. Your goal is to connect with your audience on a genuine level, not to impress them with exaggerated claims.

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